Kamis, 25 Mei 2017

Email Blast Average Open Rate


Use these two metrics to measure the success of email blasts. the two most useful metrics are the open rate and number of an open rate between 20-40% is average.. Average email campaign stats of mailchimp customers by industry. and calculated the average unique open rates, average unique click rates,. All about email open rates. if you are getting an open rate between 20% and 40%, you are probably somewhere around average..

Email open rates are a dismal 11% and how you can improve ...

Email open rates are a dismal 11% and how you can improve

Use these two metrics to measure the success of email blasts. the two most useful metrics are the open rate and number of an open rate between 20-40% is average.. Average email campaign stats of mailchimp customers by industry. and calculated the average unique open rates, average unique click rates,. All about email open rates. if you are getting an open rate between 20% and 40%, you are probably somewhere around average..

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